Saturday, June 29, 2019

Media Bootcamp

Last Tuesday we were incredibly fortunate to have tech guru Chris Gee, educate us on the various social media and help us determine which one might be best for recording our trip/

Pat arranged the presentation for us and held it at his office.

 After some discussion, we determined that we would make a facebook group for our trip.
I'm going to keep the blog as well (even though it's apparently a dinosaur).
Sunset in NYC as we walked home

Last Planning Session?

Met last Sunday to iron-out all the last minute details.

When do we meet in Astoria,OR?
What are we going to pack in the car before shipping it to Seattle?
Are the guys going to bring extra wheels?
What tools need to be brought along?

Thursday, June 20, 2019

We Prepare

Pat's new Seven
We will be traveling across America.  Patrick and Linda Gallagher will be joining the adventure.  Pat and Harv will travel by bicycle, Linda and I by car.  We begin on August 13, 2019 in Astoria, Oregon.  Weather-willing, we will complete the trip in Astoria, Queens, New York on or around October 15 (same year)...

 We've been planning for about a year.  Most of our planning sessions have taken place at Pat and Linda's CT Lake House.  Much music played, wine drunk and beautiful sunsets.

Harv and Pat determined their route.  Then Linda and I researched places to stay at each stage; just to make sure we weren't planning to stay in any "one-horse, no-hotel" towns.