Sunday, August 25, 2019

Day 14 I’m goin’ to Jackson

Ok, they were singing about Jackson, TN but it made for an interesting title.

The guys rode into Wyoming, following the Snake River. 

One tire mishap; Pat’s tire, tube and rim were punctured by a large screw on a descent into Swan Valley.  Consulted men from the U.S. Forest Service they met along their route about the dreaded goat weed.  They had a screaming descent into Jackson Hole; Harv was clocked at 60 mph.

Linda and I drove through the Grand Tetons National Park.  They were magnificent. 

At one point we stopped at a Snake River overlook.  Turns out that Ansel Adams took his famous picture of the Grand Tetons in that same spot. 

We were frequently warned about bears, ospreys, elk and antelope; however, absolutely none appeared.  I think they are in the upper altitudes and won’t descent until winter comes.  The guys will ride through the Tetons on their way to Dubois, WY on Wednesday.

A number of gateways to ranches were spotted today.


  1. Teton's are lovely! Are you going through Jackson Hole or Yellowstone?

  2. Tetons were amazing. We went on the loop around the Tetons. The next day we went through them on our way to Yellowstone and then when returning to Jackson

  3. Gil, Jim, Jackie, Riceal, and Akiko watched (on Harv's Wahoo) as Pat & Harv climbed Teton Pass. They called to chat with the guys when they were on the summit. Gil then clocked Harv's 60+ mph descent! Jackie said she was going to lecture him about speeding! :D I was also in the room when all this happened and took the photo of the group that's on the Facebook page.
