Sunday, September 22, 2019

Day 41 Niagara Falls, Ontario

The original route was altered.  So, I don't have a map for today.  The guys are doing 120 miles from London to Niagara Falls, Ontario.  They killed it! Everyday these guys amaze me.

I'm writing this blog while enjoying this spectacular view of the Niagara River and Falls.

Harv met the Sikh Motorcycle Club today.

He also met a egret type bird (to be identified by Gil).

As we progress further East you can notice the change in people, traffic and humidity.  The people out West, especially restaurant and hotel staff, were so friendly, obliging.  They were extremely courteous and patient drivers toward cars, bike riders and walkers; they always gave the right of way, gave the cyclists wide berth and waved to me when I was walking.  As we move closer East, the rise in impatience is as noticeable as the rise in humidity.  I liked being out West.


  1. Daniel, Don't know why you can write comments on the blog...but you're right. We could always move to CA

  2. Probably a Great Blue Heron.
    Harv looks ready to ride off with the motorcycle gang ;-)
    And that is a lot of water going over the falls!
    - Gil
